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Welcome to Year 2!

Well what a fabulous first week it has been in Wonder class! 

The children have settled into new routines really well and demonstrated their readiness for the new year! Myself and Mrs Ahmed are so looking forward to the year ahead with our WONDERful class!

This term, we will be learning about lots of things, please find the outline below.


Our class texts this term will be 'Coming to England' by Floella Benjamin and 'Katie in London' by James Mayhew.


English - Stevie Wonder fact files, as well as starting to use 'talk for writing' where we will read and learn some fantastic high quality pieces of writing and write our own (even better) ones in this style!

Maths - this term we will be learning about place value, basic number facts, counting forwards and backwards in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, as well as starting to learn some methods for addition and subtraction.

Geography - Let's explore the world! We are learning all about where we live in the world and comparing and contrasting this with other places in the world - one of our main areas of focus will be Tanzania, where our school has been part of a partnership with a school in Bagamoyo!

Science - We are learning about plants, how they grow and what they need to keep them alive!

DT - we are working on making fruit kebabs! We will learn all about where our fruit comes from and design and evaluate kebabs.

PE - Our PE days will be WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, please make sure children have got the correct kit in school on these days, see Miss Robinson's PE kit blog post if you are unsure of what items your child needs. 

RE - we are learning about Judaism and Jewish stories!

Computing - we will be learning about basic programming. Children will learn to sequence and create algorithms using simple animation software!

JIGSAW - being me in my world!


Please remember homework expectations for Year 2 are to read 3 x per week and record this in home school diaries, as well as keeping in the green zone for Doodle Maths and Doodle Spell!

Our spelling rules will be taught in school and assigned on Doodle Spell each week for children to practice, but we do not complete a formal 'test' each week. Below are attached the rules and some of the words we will be learning each week.