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New term information

Our class texts this term will be 'Paddington at the Palace' by Michael Bond. 


English - We will be spending a week looking at writing poetry and then we will continue using Talk for Writing to write our own stories based around the model text 'Billy the Brave Knight'

Maths - This term we will be learning about addition and subtraction, as well as geometry and shapes!

History - Our new history topic is Magnificent Monarchs, we will learn all about some of the significant English Kings and Queens from history, as well as what life as a monarch is like. We already have an idea about this from our visit to Tamworth Castle this week!

Science - We will be learning about different animals (including humans) - how do different animals survive and what do we all as living things need to survive?

Art - We will be working on our drawing skills this term, sketching portraits of monarchs, as well as creating collages. Our artist focus this term will be Paul Klee. 

PE - Our PE days will be WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. Please make sure children have got the correct kit in school on these days. See Miss Robinson's PE kit blog post if you are unsure of what items your child needs. 

RE - we are learning about celebrations in different religions, including Eid and Christmas. 

Computing - we will be learning about how to use search engines online to find out information!

JIGSAW - We will be celebrating our differences this term!


Please remember homework expectations for Year 2 are to read 3 x per week and record this in home school diaries, as well as keeping in the green zone for Doodle Maths and Doodle Spell!

Our spelling rules will be taught in school and assigned on Doodle Spell each week for children to practice, but we do not complete a formal 'test' each week. Below are attached the rules and some of the words we will be learning each week.