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This week we are exploring the big idea questions:

  • How do people celebrate Diwali? 
  • How do people get ready for celebrations? 

We will be sharing these wonderful stories: 



We will be learning all about Diwali, the Festival of light that is celebrated by Hindus and Sikhs all over the world. We will be sharing the stories above and finding out about the story of Rama and Sita. We will be making diva lamps, rangoli patterns and paper lanterns. We will be trying some special food and dancing to Diwali celebration music! 


We will be singing along to this song:


  • As the weather gets colder, please can we ask that all children come to school with a suitable coat with a hood, so we can get outside and be warm no matter what the weather!
  • Children in need this Friday (17th November) see information here. Children are invited to wear something spotty! 
  • Please see this link for information about our Christmas Show and what the EYFS children will be wearing - whole school 'Top of the Pops!'
  • Huge thank you to everybody that has already sent in their celebration photos - they are great for bringing our topic to life and making it 'real' for the children. There's still time to send these in on tapestry if you haven't done so already. 
  • We are all out of socks! If anybody has any donations of socks for the unit for when we have to change children, it would be much appreciated. 

Thank you for your continued support ðŸ˜Š