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Jesus' Christmas Party



For our final week we will be teaching the children about the birth of Jesus and the Nativity story.

Our letters of the week will be 'j' and 'n'.


Visit Evie and Dodge to learn about the sounds those letters make or sing an alphabet song and try to work out the words they use that start with those letters.

Can you blend letters to make words using these letters?



We will be encouraging the children to act out the nativity story so they get to really understand it. We will have a puppet theatre in the classroom as well as transforming the role play area into the stable setting and using all of our Christmas dressing up clothes to really get into the roles.

Here is the short version of the nativity story that we will be showing to the children.


 One of the songs that our class are singing in the performance is called Gabriel Calling.

The children have been practising their singing so why not have a go at home too. Our other song is about the first star that guides everyone to the stable. For both of the songs if you scroll down to the bottom of this page you should be able to click  on the mp3 

Our outdoor Performances this week are  

Tuesday morning 9:30am

Weds afternoon 2:30pm

Weds Early Evening 5:30pm

Warm coats required! And lots of heart-warming singing!


The children are to have a small Christmas party on Friday.  We will send you details of that shortly!