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This week we are talking all things spiders! 

We will be exploring these big idea question's:

  • Why do Spiders spin webs?
  • How many legs do spiders have? (Spiders are not classed as an insect because all insects have 6 legs!) 
  • What is a predator? What is prey? 

We will be sharing these brilliant books to help bring our topic to life:



And of course singing and signing to these classic nursery rhymes: 



Last week, the children in F2 were learning about 3D shapes and their properties. We looked at these different shapes - cube, cylinder, cone, cuboid, pyramid, sphere.

We went on a 3D shape hunt in the classroom and found our globe that was a sphere, boxes that were cuboids and dice that were cubes!  Here are some ideas to support this learning at home - we would love to see what you get up to on tapestry! 

  • (F2) The children are doing amazingly with their phonics - please make sure they are reading their RWI books or practising their blending book/speed sounds at home too. The school expectation is at least three diary entries a week (this can include sharing stories together too). Keep up the super work F2! 
  • See if your children can talk about/answer the big idea question's of the week at home:
    -Why do Spiders spin webs?
    -How many legs do spiders have?