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Y6- Rosalind Franklin Class

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  • National Poetry day in Y6

    Published 03/10/24, by Kristen Hopwood

    We have written poems inspired by a picture of a lighthouse.

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  • Storyteller Mike visit!

    Published 23/09/24, by Kristen Hopwood

    Year 6's storytelling session with storyteller Mike.

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  • WWII day

    Published 20/09/24, by Kristen Hopwood

    Partake History WWII day

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  • Year 6 - Autumn 1 Key information

    Published 02/09/24, by Kristen Hopwood

    Find out what we will be learning in the first half term in Y6!

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  • Farewell Obama Class!

    Published 27/07/24, by Mel Harris

    Well, we made it to the end!

    Obama Class - you have been a joy to teach this year. We've had lots of fun together, but you've also all worked so hard.

    In this final week, you've continued to work hard, completing your final warm write, designing and making an Egyptian Death Mask, playing rounders with Year 6 and performing the Wizard of Oz three times!

    You are truly ready for the next stage in your journey through KPNS and I wish you all the very best of luck for your final year. I know that Miss Hopwood is looking forward to working with you.

    Thank you so much for all the lovely cards and gifts, and the beautiful picture you created together for me. It will join Hawking Class's picture from last year in pride of place on my desk.

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  • Sports Week in Obama Class

    Published 24/07/24, by Mel Harris

    What a great week we had!

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  • Partake History's Egyptian Day

    Published 09/07/24, by Mel Harris

    We've had another wonderful day with Mr Adby from Partake History - this time enriching our knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians. 

    We began our day recapping some of the facts and information that we have learnt over the course of our topic, with Mr Adby adding more detail. After that we looked at some replica artefacts including statuettes, miniature canopic jars and amulets.









    After break, we explored some of the spices used by the Ancient Egyptians. These included spices that we recognise today such as coriander seeds, cinnamon and cumin seeds and also older spices - frankincense and myrrh. 



    Then Mr Adby used Sophia as a model to demonstrate what the Egyptians used for make-up. We found out something new: the make-up wasn't used for appearance but to protect their faces from the sun!


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  • Transition to Y6

    Published 08/07/24, by Kristen Hopwood

    Find out what we got up to on Friday afternoon with Miss Hopwood

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  • Awful Egyptians

    Published 06/06/24, by Mel Harris

    Welcome back to the final term of the academic year.

    This half term our topic is Awful Egyptians. As part of this topic, we will be looking at the following questions:

    • Who were the Ancient Egyptians and when did they live?
    • What discovery did Howard Carter make and how did that teach us about the Ancient Egyptians?
    • How did different groups contribute to the achievements of Ancient Egyptian society?
    • Who were some of the most famous pharaohs in Ancient Egypt? What did we learn from them?
    • How did the Ancient Egyptians prepare bodies for the afterlife?
    • What did the Ancient Egyptians believe about life after death?
    • How did the Ancient Egyptians contribute to our lives today?

    As part of this, I have booked Partake History to do an Egyptian Day for us. They will be visiting us on Tuesday 9th July.  During this day the children will:

    • Re-create the scents and aromas of Ancient Egypt
    • Investigate and handle artefacts used in mummification
    • Discover the clothing and makeup of an Egyptian princess
    • Create a cartouche
    • Dress up and take part in a stunning and atmospheric ‘burial ceremony’ where the story unfolds through the use of costume, narration, mime, music, dance and drama

    In order to contribute towards the cost of the visit, the cost to you will be £12. Please pay the £12 on Eduspot (link below) by Wednesday 3rd July.

    If your child would like to come to school dressed as an Ancient Egyptian they are more than welcome to but there is no pressure.

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  • Red - Our Talk for Writing Story

    Published 03/06/24, by Mel Harris

    Over last half term, we learned the story of Red using a story map and actions that we decided on together.

    When Jamie (our Talk 4 Writing consultant) came in to visit, the class retold the whole story for him.

    Take a look at the story map we used, then click on the QR code to see the retelling. Alternatively, get your child to retell it for you!



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  • Important information about Jigsaw coverage after half-term

    Published 16/05/24, by Mel Harris

    Dear parent/carer,

    This school year we have been using ‘Jigsaw’, the PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) Programme across school, which follows a mindful approach to PSHE.

    These lessons have built children’s emotional literacy, self-esteem, and knowledge of who they are and how they relate to each other and the world in a positive and healthy way. We are sure you will have heard about the Jigsaw Friends and Calm Me time.

    The Summer Term Puzzles (units) are about Relationships (unit 1) and Changing Me (unit 2).  Next half-term after the holidays, we will be focussing on the Changing Me Puzzle which includes, in every year group, 2 or 3 lessons to help children understand the changes puberty brings and how human reproduction happens. There is a very serious safeguarding aspect to this work and obviously the younger year groups are not looking at these issues directly and explicitly, but rather learning correct terminology for body parts and covering the foundation work for later year groups. The Year 5 and 6 lessons look more fully at puberty and human reproduction.

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  • Obama Class Are Gardeners!

    Published 23/04/24, by Mel Harris

    As part of our DT project, the children have today planted potatoes in bin liners. 

    We have chitted potatoes in the classroom and they have already begun to grow tubers and shoots.

    This afternoon, we filled bin liners with 8-10cm of compost. Next, we put the potatoes into the compost.



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