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Maths Support WB 22.6.20

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Year 1

In school this week, children are revising numbers to one hundred and looking at place value. I have attached a document with activities that are similar to what is happening in the classroom.  Please see your home learning maps for additional activities.

Year 2

If you also need to revise numbers to 100 and beyond, I would recommend giving the year activities a go (it never hurts to remind yourself!)

I would like you to look at solving word problems this week involving addition and subtraction. I have attached some resources below that you could complete alongside the BBC and Oak Naitonal Academy resources on the learning map.

If you need a reminder about methods for addition and subtraction, take a look at these four lessons on BBC Bitesize:

Adding and subtracting  2-digit and 1-digit numbers

Adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers and tens numbers

Subtracting 2-digit numbers

Adding 2-digit numbers