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Welcome to Spring 2!

Find out what we will be doing this term in Andersen class.

Welcome back Andersen Class!

We have got lots of exciting things to look forward to this term. Find attached below information about what we will be learning .This term we will be carrying on with our topic the Shang Dynasty. Our big question for this topic will be How did the Shang Dynasty impact us today? This will involve us looking at important people and battles during that time.

Our class text this term

This term we will be reading The willow pattern story by Allan Drummond. Feel free to purchase this book for your child or if they have this book to bring it in to read along.

The Willow Pattern Story | Book by Allan Drummond | Official Publisher ...


Times Tables

We will be doing lots of work on our times tables in class this term to support the children with their upcoming timetables check in June. Andersen Class's expectation for their timetables is for them to complete at least 3 of the times games a day(This should only take 5-10 minutes), as well as this I have said to the children if they are struggling with a certain times tables they can practise that times tables on doodles times.

Each week I will pick three children that are showing commitment and hard work to their times tables to pick  from our prize box.

Just want to add that all the children are working extremely hard on their times tables. Keep up the hard work! 


These are our school expectations.

  • To remain in their green zone on doodle maths, doodle spell, and doodle time each week.
  • To read 3x a week and to record it in their home school diary.
  • For children to have their PE kit every PE session with appropriate shoes.
  • For children to complete their silver reading challenge (This can be found at the back of your child’s home school dairy) or their bronze if not yet completed.
  • For children to go on Edshed every night and complete at least 2-3  timed game ( takes 5-10 minutes)


Dates for the diary

24/02/ 23- Key Stage 2 Movie Night

2/03/23- World Book Day!

WB 13/03/23- Science Week!

24/03/23- FoKPNS Neon School Disco.

27/03/23- Parents’ Evening

29/03/23- Parents’ Evening

30/03/23- Equals Trust Concert at Albert Hall


As always feel free to catch me in the playgroup if you have any questions.

Look forward to seeing you all soon! 


Miss Middleton