Pupil Parliament
Two pupils from KPNS attended the Rushcliffe Pupil Parliament at County Hall today, meeting with children from almost 30 other schools in the council debating chamber.
There are three Pupil Parliament sessions each year when children listen to guest speakers before debating and voting on different themes. Today's guest speaker was Troy Jenkinson, an author who talked to the children about his books which promote inclusion for everyone.
Today's debate and vote question was, "Should free school meals and fruit be extended to children aged 7-11?".
Joining the Pupil Parliament supports our work on British Values - a set of important ideas that help us all live happily and fairly together. They teach us how to treat each other kindly and make good choices:
This means everyone gets a say. We take turns to share ideas and vote on what’s best, just like people do in elections.
The Rule of Law
Rules and laws keep everyone safe and happy. We follow them because they’re fair and they help us know what’s right and wrong.
Mutual Respect
This means being kind and treating others how we’d like to be treated, even if they’re different from us.
Individual Liberty
We are free to make our own choices, like choosing our favourite activities or hobbies, as long as it doesn’t hurt others.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance
This means learning about and respecting people who have different religions or ideas, even if they’re not the same as ours.