School Council Feedback!

At the end of each school year, the School Council meet to share what the pupils think has gone well and what could be even better. Here is their feedback from 2023/2024.
What's gone well:
-Talk for Writing has made English more fun, and we are now getting much better at writing
-The pupils like all the different clubs (Choir, sport, maths club (Y5)).
-This year we really liked the school play because the songs were cool!
-Behaviour around school has been better. It has been calmer, especially at break times.
-Reading Liar is good because we can come in early and read in a quiet environment.
-Above and Beyond is great because it is nice to be noticed for outstanding behaviour.
-All the events; movie nights, disco, sports week, school trips, summer fair...
-The new basketball courts on the back playground have improved playtimes.
What would make it even better?
-Sometimes the tables at lunchtime are not very clean (2nd sitting).
-We would like to see ice-creams at the end of the day on sunny days.
-More playground equipment including a climbing frame.
-We'd like a buddy bench on both the playgrounds.
A special THANK YOU to our fantastic 2023/24 School Council. You have done a brilliant job and we are very proud of you.
We look forward to seeing who will be on our new School Council in the next couple of weeks.