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  • Healthy Living Week in Y4

    Published 14/07/24, by Paige Middleton

    See what year 4 gets up to during a healthy living week.

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  • Transition to Year 5

    Published 09/07/24, by Mel Harris

    Find out what we got up to on Friday afternoon with Mrs Harris.

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  • Y4 had a special delivery

    Published 26/06/24, by Paige Middleton

    What was Thungburg class's delivery?

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  • Summer 2 - What makes a mountain ?

    Published 04/06/24, by Paige Middleton

    What are Thunberg class up to this term.

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  • Times tables fun in year 4

    Published 22/05/24, by Paige Middleton

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • Jigsaw summer 2

    Published 14/05/24, by Paige Middleton

    Important information for summer 2 

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  • Top Link festival

    Published 08/05/24, by Paige Middleton

    Year 3 and 4 went to the top link festival.

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  • Y4 became Anglo-Saxons and Viking for the day!

    Published 25/04/24, by Paige Middleton

    Read below to find out what Thunberg class got up to at Perlethorpe.

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  • Welcome to summer term - What was life like during the dark age?

    Published 16/04/24, by Paige Middleton

    Read below to find out what year 4 will be doing this term.

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  • What have we done this spring term?

    Published 26/03/24, by Paige Middleton

    Read below to find out what we have been doing this term.

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  • Science week In year 4

    Published 14/03/24, by Paige Middleton

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • World book day fun!

    Published 07/03/24, by Paige Middleton

    Read below to see what Thunberg class got up to for World Book Day! 

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