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Year 3 Swimming reminders

Reminders for Swimming on a Thursday


The Year 3's had their first swimming session today, and they will have a swimming session every Thursday afternoon. They will be walking to the swimming pool with Miss Robinson, Mrs Garner and several swimming volunteers. The children had a great time and enjoyed their first swimming session in Year 3. Also, thank you to everyone who has offered to volunteer!

We would like to remind you:

  • Children must bring their swimming costume with them otherwise they cannot participate in the swimming session.
  • No earrings at all. If the children come with them in, staff can't take them out. They won't be able to swim. 
  • Girls must wear a 1-piece swimming kit, or they can't swim. 
  • Long hair must be tied up. 
  • It was very clear that many of the children find it tricky to dress themselves. Please work on this with them at home. They need to be able to get changed within 5 mins so we can have time in the pool. 
  • Whilst the children are having swimming lessons in school, it would be great if you can find time during the weekend or evening to take them as a family so that they are building their confidence. 

Attached to this blog post is a social story about swimming this outlines what the children may expect and may also help to alleviate any future anxieties the children may have.  This might be helpful for yourself and your child to discuss.