DoodleMaths Competition; The Halfway Point!
Before half term you were all set a super Doodlemaths Challenge. The class with the highest percentage of children on track with their stars, would come back to school after half term to a special class treat.
At the halfway point in the holidays, the results are disappointing but with one week left to go, we're hoping the competition takes off ! Well done to the Sweet Pea Class, let's see if you can keep your lead. Also, well done to the Meadow Class (our F2 children) who have only had their Doodlemaths passwords for a couple of weeks. Come on KS2 children, we know you can do it! Check back next Friday to see who will be claiming the class reward...
Parents- we would really appreciate if you could encourage your children to engage with their doodlemaths during term time and over the holidays. It helps the children keep their basic maths skills ticking over, whilst plugging essential gaps. This is particularly important for them during the currently pandemic. It only takes 5-10 minutes a day. The children from Year 2 up know what to do so will just need a little reminder to log on and the children in F2 and Y1 may need to be shown a couple of times but will then fly with it. We thank you for your support.