Quiet for the Queen!

Whether you are with us at school or learning from home at the moment, use this blog so we will all be learning together!
Our story this week is going to help the children learn about the letter q! So all quiet for the queen and lets follow her on her chase to try and get her hat back! Watch the video below to see the actual author of the book itself tell us the story.
We will be using our RWI sound card to reinforce the letter q in all of the activities throughout the week.
For children who are already familiar with the sound q we will be talking about how it usually has our letter from last week 'u' coming right after it. Then we will look at the next sound that comes in queen. 'ee' - What can you see?
Click here to visit the cBeebies alphabet song library and scroll down to the letter 'q'
Or let the Alphablocks help you build up a couple of 'qu' words.
Our rhyme for the week is 'The Queen of Hearts.' We will learn the rhyme and talk about what traditional rhymes mean. We have had a couple of traditional rhymes over the past term that have prompted discussions with the children with the way things happened at the time of the songs being written.
Our classroom and outdoor area might look a little different next week as we will be putting up pictures of the London Landmarks that the queens sees on her travels! The children will have to make themselves some sight seeing binoculars so see what they can see. Can they rescue the Queens hat! Our climbing frame might even turn into Big Ben with a bell and a clock!
We will be building lots of towers and bridges next week too as we are investigating the maths concept of one more and one less! Who is going to make the tower with the most blocks? Can you use the 3D wooden blocks to make a bridge you can drive under?
During the week we will also be showing the children some videos showing the Queen wearing her different hats. These videos will show how the Queen, technology and Fashion! has changed over the years. One of the clips will be from when African dancers performed for the Queen on one of her trips abroad. We are going to have a go at some African dancing this week and have a demonstration in our Beat Feet lesson on Friday!
For now though...... Marvel at this blast from the past. A good old fashioned news bulletin about the Queens hats!
For the F2 children in Meadow class
To support the learning we do in the Foundation Unit here is a little reminder about why we encourage the use of both Doodle Maths and Reading Eggs.
We spent a lot of time identifying the best quality apps that would engage and inspire the children to learn whilst having fun! Children are more likely to learn and retain the information if they enjoy taking part in the activity..
The apps we chose reflect the learning that is taking place in the classrooms and give the children the opportunity to show you how they are getting on.
By applying what they have been learning at school and doing it independently at home it will help them to retain the information.
These apps have become even more useful in light of the current Covid 19 Pandemic and are a really useful tool for supporting the learning time that has been lost due to the time out of school.
All the children in F2 have been set up and their login details and passwords are on their Tapestry journals. Just scroll down their observations and look for Reading Eggs or Doodle maths. By having their passwords on their journals it means you will always know where to find them if you forget!
If you are not able to access the apps, need support with the technology or you cannot access your Tapestry journal please let Mrs Lindley know or email us at
Hopefully we will see lots of Doodlers and Fast Phonics going on over the next few weeks so that we can send certificates out for fantastic work at home! Who will get a star of the week for the most Doodling?
click here for Doodle maths student login page
click here for Reading eggs student login page