No-bot the Robot! a story about a robot who loses his bottom!

As you may have guessed when you saw our request for robot making materials on Friday, our letter of the week will be the letter and sound r r r robot!
The story of No-bot below will act as a prompt for a lot of our activities this week. We will also be using the robot story to answer questions related to our "Can I switch it on" topic. Don't know the story? Watch it below.
The way the narrator reads this story engages the listeners as she changes the tone in her voice and really helps the story come alive. We will be talking to the children about using story telling voices as this helps them later on with their reading.
From now on we will be letting you know the "Wonderful Words" we will be introducing to the children each week.
Our signs of the week also support the concept of time.
Here are some of the activities we will be exploring next week.
The children love to show you what we have been doing at school so here are a few more of the links that we use to learn in a multi-sensory way.
Evie and Dodge letter 'r'
Click here to go to the Cbeebies alphabet song page and scroll to the letter r song.
We love to learn through movement and song so meet Spartz 24 the robodog!
and look at Barney singing and moving with the robots!
Other rhymes and poems about robots that we will be learning this week are..
For lots of maths ideas to support the concepts we have been doing why not visit the White Rose home learning videos. These are particularly useful if your family have to self isolate at some point and your child can't have their usual lessons
Click here to be taken to the 'Light and Dark' module we have been guided by over the last few weeks so there are plenty of ideas .