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Exploring with our senses

We are learning to explore the world with our senses. Last week, we looked at the senses sight and touch and this week we explored our sense of taste.
We tried a range of salty, sweet, sour and bitter foods then described the flavour and if we liked it, or didn't like it! Most of us loved the milk chocolate, but we were not fans of the dark chocolate! We were divided on whether we liked or disliked the lemon and most of us enjoyed the sweet taste of pineapple. 


We know which body parts are linked with all of our 5 senses, and we are starting to realise that if one of our senses stop working, our other senses work twice as hard. 

We are exploring the world's continents in more detail and looking at what physical and human features we can find there. Last week we found out some more information about our continent, Europe, and this week we will investigate Africa and Antarctica in more detail. 

If you have any photographs from any of our seven continents, I would love to see them!

Spelling quiz, Doodles, and reading

Well done to all of my Anning's. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US are in the green zone on doodle maths. Keep up the fantastic work, I can feel that golden envelope coming our way. I have also noticed that we are doing really well with our reading. We are working towards our silver reading awards so make sure you tick them off in the back of your reading diary. 

Just a reminder to keep up with your spellings at home, so you can ace the Friday quiz each week. I have attached some ideas for spelling activities you can try at home. This week we are on Set 2 of Spring 1.