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Let's explore the world

Lennon class have had an amazing start to year 2! They have been working incredibly hard and showing great learning behaviours which is great to see.

We have enjoyed starting our new topic ‘How is our local area different from Tanzania?’ and have enjoyed learning about different continents and oceans. Have a listen at home: 


Homework is now on Doodle Maths and Doodle Spell, so please make sure your child is staying in the green zone. The spellings are linked to the spelling scheme we follow in class, so it will be great for them to practise as much as possible. In addition to this, please ensure your child is reading at least three times every week and their reading diaries are signed to show this. 

Things to remember!

  • School will also be closed to children on Friday 23rd September as it is an inset day. 
  • Please keep staying in that green zone on doodle maths and spellings. Let us know if you are having any issues. 
  • There is a phonics meeting straight after school on Thursday 22nd in the hall. Please see our reading blog for more information. 

Take care, 

Mrs Speer