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Y4- Stan Lee Class


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December 2021

  • Merry Christmas!

    Published 17/12/21, by Katie Sturman

    Wow, what a term! 

    We have had a really awesome first term in Year 1 and have learnt lots of new and exciting things. Thank you for all the hard work you have put in.

    Yesterday, I sent out a pack of work for numbers 11 - 20 which will be our main focus in maths after Christmas. If you have the time, it would be great if you could have a look at these with your children to get them familiar before we return.  Mrs King has also set a Christmas challenge on doodle for the chance to win a special doodle prize!

    Please keep up with your reading over the Christmas holidays, I would love to hear all about your favourite books when we meet again in January. 

    Merry Christmas to all my children and their families. 

    See you next year!

    Miss Sturman 

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  • London past and present.

    Published 06/12/21, by Katie Sturman

    We have had lots of fun learning about London in Anning class this half term.

    We re-enacted The Great Fire of London by setting paper houses on fire to see how quickly the fire spread. We saw that the fire spread very quickly because it was windy, they were close together, and they were made out of flammable materials. We really enjoyed watching this and spoke about the difference in fire safety between now and 1666.  


    This week, we used our imaginations to go on a tour of London! We made our own train tickets and went on a train journey to Paddington station. Then, we learnt about all the fantastic landmarks which can be found in our capital city, and tried to build and draw these ourselves. 



    I have noticed a lot of us are keeping up with our reading and doodle maths so well done you guys! Keep it up. 

    Just one more week to go before the Christmas break, let's make this week the best one yet. 

    Miss Sturman 

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  • Christmas Massive Maths!

    Published 01/12/21, by Katie Sturman

    We had great fun joining in with the Massive Maths challenge this morning! Thankfully, we were able to find the combination to unlock the reindeer stables and save Christmas! Well done team. 

    See the photo gallery for the photos from today's activities! 


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