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Y4- Stan Lee Class


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September 2021

  • What are green and red cards?

    Published 29/09/21, by Katie Sturman

    You may have heard your child talking about green and red cards and wondered what they were, so hopefully this will give you a better idea! 

    Now your child is in Year 1, the way we reward positive behaviour is slightly different from what you will have experienced from your child being in EYFS. In Key Stage 1 and 2, we award students with green cards for following the Keyworth Code and displaying excellent learning behaviours around school. This can include behaviour at lunchtimes and assemblies as well as during class time. Every time your child receives a green card, they put a sticker on our ‘Good to be Green’ chart in the classroom. Once they have 10 stickers, they will get a prize from Mrs King. Your child can take their green cards home with them if they wish – we do not need to keep them in school. 

    Green cards are really special and get given out for exemplary behaviour so don’t worry if your child is not coming home with one every day. Children get rewarded in other ways too- stickers, stamps, points etc.  

    Red cards are presented when a student does not follow the Keyworth Code following numerous reminders and prompts. In this circumstance, your child may be asked to stay behind at the end of the lesson or go to see either Mrs King or Mrs Holmes to discuss and reflect upon their behaviour. This gives us an idea of ways which we can support your child to improve their learning behaviour and support their learning journey in Year 1. It also gives your child an opportunity to communicate to us on a 1:1 basis any factors which may have triggered or contributed to their behaviour, enabling us to support them. 

    As per our behaviour policy, we will contact you if your child receives two red cards in one week or if we are concerned about a particular incident.  I have attached a link to our school behaviour policy if you wish to read this (it also gives further details about the Keyworth Code).  

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  • Our first few weeks in Anning class

    Published 21/09/21, by Katie Sturman

    Anning class have settled into Year 1 nicely and are continuing to explore all the fun activities inside the classroom and around the school.

    Yesterday, the children worked together to set up a puppet show using Supersoap puppets from our lesson about hand hygiene. They created tickets, used coins to pay for their seats and sat in the audience quietly watching the show.  


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  • Reading Books

    Published 17/09/21, by Katie Sturman

    Hi Everyone! 

    Just a reminder that ReadWrite Inc reading books will be changed every Monday. In addition to their ReadWrite Inc books, a book trolley will be available outside our classroom every day for your child to select a story book of their choice to read alongside their phonics book.  

    Please sign your child’s reading diary at least three times a week to show that they have practised their book. This is very important as reading at home supports and consolidates the learning they do in school.  

    Over the next few weeks, Mrs O’Connor (our lovely phonics lead) and I will be completing phonics assessments to give us an indication of the group which your child is best suited for. In the meantime, they will be on the same colour book as they had at the end of EYFS. This is to ensure they are comfortable with the structure of ReadWrite Inc sessions and to fill any gaps which may have appeared over the summer holidays.  

    If you have any questions at all, please ask! 

    Miss Sturman  

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  • Information about RE on Friday

    Published 07/09/21, by Katie Sturman

    In RE this week we will be looking at families and what it means to belong to a family. For this session, please can your child bring a photograph of their family (or a special object which represents their family) and we will share these with each other. 

    The lesson will be on Friday 10th September. 

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  • welcome to year 1!

    Published 03/09/21, by Katie Sturman

    Welcome back to school everybody! It has been lovely to see all of your smiley faces today for our first day in Year 1. We have had a really great day and have settled into our new class very well.

    We will be starting our new topic 'Enchanted Woodland' on Monday. Please see the attached document for more information on this exciting topic!

    Some general reminders:

    - ReadWrite Inc phonics books will be changed on a Monday.  Children can choose a book from the story trolley at the start and end of each day. The story trolley will be kept outside the classroom entrance and books should be returned when they are finished with. All books should be kept in a school book bag to protect the books and these book bags will fit in their individual drawer in the classroom. 
    Your child will need to bring their books in with them everyday so they can be used in phonics lessons.

    - Please read with you child at least three times a week and sign their reading record to show they have done this. It is important for your child to read regularly, so they can rehearse and embed their phonics.  Reading Lair will be open every morning between 8.30 and 8.50 for you to read with your child. 

    · We have PE on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please make sure all kit items are labelled. This also applies to their general school uniform.

    · All jewellery should be removed for PE lessons. Please ensure your child can remove and put their earrings back in themselves. Earrings cannot be covered with tape and staff will not be responsible for removing them.

    · We are now working towards our bronze reading awards! When your child has read a book please sign this off at the back of their home/school books.

    · All children should aim to keep within the green zone on their Doodlemaths. I will stick their Doodle passwords in all home school diaries which will be handed out on Monday.

    - Starting next week, we will have weekly spelling quizzes. I have attached the spelling lists below and will stick these in your child's home school diary. 

    - Year 1 and 2 Sports Club will be held afterschool on Tuesdays with Miss Robinson. 


    Well done again to you lovely Annings! I am very proud of how well you have settled into your new class.

    If you have any concerns, please catch me to ask and I will be happy to help.

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