Welcome back Year 1!
I hope you have had a lovely Christmas break, and you're ready for all the fun we have planned for this half-term. I would like to say a big well done to those of you who have kept up with your reading and doodle maths over the holidays, it is lovely to see so many of you giving things a go at home.
Our topic for this half-term is called 'Animal Planet'. Please see the letter attached which gives more detail about what this topic entails.
A few general reminders at the start of term:
- Our spelling quiz will stay on a Friday with Mrs Lees. We will commence with set 7 spellings from Autumn 2 on Friday 7th January then make a start on Spring 1 set 1 the following week. The new spring spellings are listed on the topic letter.
- ReadWrite Inc phonics books will be changed on a Monday. The reading trolley will be available every day for children to choose an additional story book.
- We are now working towards our silver reading awards. You have up until the Easter holidays to complete this. On your marks, get set, GO!
- Homework- Please continue to read with your child at least 3 times a week and sign their reading record to show you have done this. All children should be staying within the green zone on Doodlemaths. We will be working on numbers up to 20 this half term and I will be setting some additional Doodlemaths challenges to help embed the skills we have been learning in lessons.
- In the New Year, please can all children be sent in with a spare set of clothes (including underwear, socks and tights). This is to ensure that we have an appropriate change of underwear available for if your child needs it. Please could you send these in in a labelled bag and I will keep them all safe.
A message from Mrs King:
"I have noticed that lots of you have worked really hard to get in the green zone on your Doodlemaths this week! Well done. Now, I am a little bit tired of giving all the special Doodle treats to the children in KS2 so I am setting Anning Class a challenge. If you can have 80% of your class in the green zone for 3 weeks in a row, I will bring in my special golden envelopes so you can choose an amazing class surprise!
Miss Sturman will tell your parents about our special challenge but I need all of you to remember to do your doodles EVERY DAY! You can do it!"
Come on Annings, let's show Mrs King we can smash her special Year 1 challenge!