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The Extraordinary Gardener...

The children are loving our 'Ready, Steady, Grow'  topic. Thank you for everyone sending in photos of the things you are planting and growing at home! 

Our big weekly questions this week will be:

  • What can I grow in my garden?  
  • What are the parts of a flower? 
  • What do bees do? 

We will be sharing the story 'The Extraordinary Gardener' ... A beautiful tale of patience and the joy of nature.

We will be getting stuck into nature ourselves, drawing flowers and talking about the parts of a plant, making nature potions and going on mini-beast hunts! As well as finding out about how clever bees are and the important job they play pollinating plants. 

Here are some ideas you could try at home:

Here are some extra speedy sound sessions with the special friends we have been learning in school:

A huge thank you for everyone participating in our reading challenge, it's brilliant how much you are reading at home! This challenge will continue until the summer so still plenty of time to get reading and collecting those raffle tickets. Remember for F2's, it must include reading the books or ditties that are being sent home. 

😊📚📓 😊📚📓😊📚📓😊📚📓😊📚📓

We have our school performance coming up soon! 

Please head over to our 'Sports and Enrichment' blog for your child to practise their songs at home. 

I have attached the costume letter which was handed out before May half-term as a reminder for your child's costume and how you can order tickets for the show. 

But here is what costumes are needed for EYFS: 

REMINDER: Please send costumes in no later than Monday 11th July.