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Marvellous machines... Computers!

Our final week of our 'Marvellous Machines' topic... Our big questions are:

What are computers used for?

How do we power our machines? 

We will be sharing this fantastic story - Winnie's New Computer...

We will be using our class ipads, learning how to take photos and using some of the apps. We will also be programming our BeeBots and seeing if we can get them to move in the right direction. You could download the BeeBot app so the children can have a go at home. 

 ðŸ¤–🎮🖥⌨👾💻See if I know what these words mean at home🤖🎮🖥⌨👾💻

(F2) Hopefully the children are showing off their amazing skills with their speedy sounds at home - we are amazed at how brilliantly they are doing! You could use a few cards and say a word and see if they can choose the right sounds to make the word e.g. cat, get, up, dog, jam etc. If you do have a go at this, be sure to send us a picture on tapestry and the children can climb the reward beanstalk in school! 

Here are the sounds we will be introducing this week:

(F1) This week, the Nursery children will be continuing their phonological awareness games (helping them to hear and distinguish different sounds). They will be exploring instruments and the different sounds they make. You could let the children explore different sounds they can make banging sticks outside - they had so much fun doing this last week (see tapestry for the videos). Here was their drumming inspiration: 

Here are some other activity ideas you could try at home:


  • Remember it is parents evening week for both F1 & F2 children
  • Big thank you to everyone that brought in loose parts for the children to explore-they have absolutely loved the loose parts table and invented lots of marvellous creations! 
  • (F2) We are officially bottom of the charts in the doodle maths table- let's take over the other classes collecting those stars! Let us know if you are having any issues logging on.