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Hello Little Dreamers! We hope you have all had a lovely half-term and can't wait to see you all tomorrow. Let's announce our new topic (drum roll please)..... 

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We will be finding out about magnificent mini beasts!

We will be exploring things such as- how many legs do insects have? Is this different from spiders? What mini-beasts can fly? What are antennae, and what are they used for?

We will be talking about and finding lots of fascinating facts about bees, spiders, ladybirds and many more marvellous creatures. We will be scientists observing lifecycles in the classroom and watching how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly! 

As always, our topic will be brought to life through brilliant books. For more information please see our big ideas' poster below (a clearer version is also attached at the bottom of this page). 

Some ideas of how you can embrace our topic at home: 

  • Research your favourite mini beasts - can you find any fascinating facts to share with the class?
  • Make your very own bug hotel! There are lots of great designs online- but they can be made from things such as: old plant pots, small rocks, sticks, stones bark and leaves... You'll soon have lots of mini beasts checking in! 
  • Go on a mini-beast hunt in your garden or local area/park - what can you spot? 
  • Share and discuss the 'Big Ideas' poster, talking about the question's and key vocabulary. 
  • Share any mini-beast related stories you might have at home or spot at the library.

Thank you for your continued support - we look forward to seeing you all tomorrow! πŸ˜Š