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This week we are finding out all things seaside! Here are the big idea question's that we will be sharing:

  • What can we find at the seaside? 
  • ​​​​​What can we do at the seaside? 
  • How do we stay safe in the sun? 

We will be sharing these wonderful stories...



We are hoping to set up a little ice cream shop in the next couple of weeks in EYFS... It would be AMAZING if the children could have a go at crafting an ice cream/ice lolly at home for the children to role-play with in school. Here are some ideas: 




  • It is the whole school Sports Week (Monday 3rd July - Friday 7th July), please send children into school each day in PE kits/suitable sports clothes - shorts/leggings/plain t-shirt/trainers. Miss Robinson has planned lots of fun sporty activities for us! 
    The EYFS children will not be joining the whole school sports day races afternoon on Friday 7th July as we had our own race morning - thanks for everyone that came to see us! We think the children did amazingly and are very proud of them! 
  • Shout out for Jungle Book monkey costumes to be brought into school in a labelled carrier bag this week please. Thanks to everybody that has already sent theirs in. 
  • Our transition day was a big success! The children moving classes were incredible and took everything in their stride. We had great feedback from Miss Sturman in year 1 and the new F2 class were a delight! 
  • Keep up momentum with reading books and sharing stories at home - we've noticed a real dip in writing in reading diaries. It will really help children prepare for Reception & Year 1 in September.
  • Remember our graduation celebration assembly dates coming up (Thursday 20th July)
    F1 children moving to F2- 11:15am-11:45am
    F2 children moving to Year 1 3:00pm - 3:30pm 

Thank you for your continued support 😊