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Y3- Mae Jamison Class

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  • New term information

    Published 08/11/23, by Sarah Rayns
    Our class texts this term will be 'Paddington at the Palace' by Michael Bond.    English - We will be spending a week looking at writing poetry and then we will continue using Talk for Writing to write our own stories based ar
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  • DT Project!

    Published 17/10/23, by Sarah Rayns

    We have had such a fun afternoon in wonder class today!

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  • School trip to Tamworth Castle

    Published 13/10/23, by Sarah Rayns

    Dear Parents/Carers


    As part of our next topic, where we are learning all about monarchs from the past! As part of this history topic, we are going to be visiting Tamworth Castle on Monday 6th November. This is the first day back after half term. This will be a fantastic opportunity to learn all about the history of Tamworth Castle and kings and queens of the past!


    We will all need to bring a packed lunch on that day and will be using the minibus, as well as cars to get to the castle and back. 

    Can all children please arrive in school wearing school uniform and bring with them a small bag to carry their lunch and drink.

    We will be leaving school at 9 o’clock and returning for the end of the school day at 3:30pm.


    The cost of the trip includes entry to the Castle, a workshop and travel costs to get there and back. This amounts to £13, which can be paid on school money. Please ensure you also give permission for your child to attend.


    Yours sincerely,

    Sarah Rayns

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  • Year 2 Landscapes

    Published 03/10/23, by Sarah Rayns

    Today in geography we learnt all about the differences in physical features found in Tanzania and in the UK.

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  • What a fab first few weeks!

    Published 27/09/23, by Sarah Rayns

    Well what a WONDERful first few weeks we have had in Wonder class! 

    The children have been SO busy, but we have settled into our new class and routines really well.

    They have been flying in phonics, learning new sounds and reading their story books.

    We have also been doing some tricky maths challenges, working on understanding all about the value of numbers and how they can be split up in different ways (such as tens and ones).

    In English, we are learning the story of the Enormous Turnip! The children have learnt the entire story by heart with actions to match, and today had a go at drawing their own story maps to tell the story themselves! (Ask your child to perform the story for you at home!)

    We have also been learning lots about our world in geography, the children can now name all seven continents, all five oceans and know lots about the country of Tanzania in Africa!

    They have also been growing cress seeds in different environments and conditions to understand more about how plants grow and what they need to thrive. 

    It has been lovely getting to know you all better and we are so proud of how you are settling in!

    Please remember, PE kits are needed on Wednesday and Friday, and homework will also be checked on Fridays. 

    Children should aim to be in the 'green zone' for doodle maths and doodle spell, as well as reading and recording in their home school books. 

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  • Welcome to Year 2!

    Published 09/09/23, by Sarah Rayns

    Well what a fabulous first week it has been in Wonder class! 

    The children have settled into new routines really well and demonstrated their readiness for the new year! Myself and Mrs Ahmed are so looking forward to the year ahead with our WONDERful class!

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  • Thank you & Goodbye year 1

    Published 21/07/23, by Katie Sturman

    Thank you to every single one of your lovely children for being superstars this year. I have enjoyed teaching them and watching them grow. They have tried really hard over the past year and have made wonderful progress. 

    I look forwards to seeing them around in Year Two. I know Miss Rayns and Mrs Ahmed are super excited to help them in the next stage of their learning journeys. 

    Well done for your hard efforts Year One. Have a wonderful summer. 

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  • Final weeks in Year 1

    Published 12/07/23, by Katie Sturman

    We've had a busy few weeks in Year One! Read below to see some of the things we have been up to and check for information on our final week of the year. 

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  • Information for the weeks ahead

    Published 27/06/23, by Katie Sturman

    We have got a busy few weeks ahead. Please check the dates below and ask any questions if you need some clarification. 

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  • What have we been up to in Year 1...

    Published 16/06/23, by Katie Sturman

    This week in Year One...

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  • Welcome to Summer 2

    Published 05/06/23, by Katie Sturman

    We have had a great first day back at school. All children have slipped back into their routines and seem ready for the half-term ahead. 

    We started summer 2 with a visit from VIA where we learnt all about how to cross a road safely. We really e enjoyed this and learnt a lot about zebra and pelican crossings and the importance of STOP, LOOK, LISTEN. Check out photos from our session at the bottom of this blog. 

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  • Learning in Year One

    Published 09/05/23, by Katie Sturman

    Thank you to everyone who came to our class assembly on Friday 28th April. We had lots of fun putting together our video, and we hope you enjoyed it.

    Year 1 are working really hard in school at the moment and are developing into fantastic and confident little learners! 

    We have had a great time celebrating the King's Coronation last week and have engaged in lots of practical maths activities. 

    Our science and geography lessons are helping us take notice of the seasons and weather, and we are keeping an eye on our weather station. The rain gauge has filled up quite a lot over the weekend thanks to the wet weather!

    In art this week, we will be looking at different painting techniques (marbling and Brusho) and eventually applying these techniques when painting seasonal landscapes. 

    Phonics Screening Check
    The Phonics Screening Check (PSC) will be taking place shortly after we get back from May half-term. To help your child prepare for this I have sent home some activities to complete at home. The PSC only assesses accuracy and not speed - so your child does not need to read these words speedily and can follow the 'special friend, Fred talk, read the word' routine. 

    If you have any questions about this upcoming test, let me know and I will help where I can. 


    Phonics books this week
    Due to the Year 6 SATs taking place this week, we will not be splitting off into our normal phonics groups. I will send home books which your child has already read. This will give them a chance to practise their fluency and storyteller voices. 


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