New term information for Summer 1

This term our class texts will be: Flotsam (David Wiesner), The Storm Whale (Benji Davies). We will be reading these in class with the children.
This half-term we will be completing the optional SATs papers for KS1, these are nothing for the children to worry about, and we will be splitting into small groups to complete them. All the children have brought home some practice papers for over Easter in case you would like to have a look with your child at the kind of questions they will be asked for the real papers.
English - We will be writing quest stories, based around our talk for writing text 'The Papaya that spoke'
Maths - We will be learning about fractions and telling the time!
Geography - We are learning about coastlines and what seaside towns are like in the UK, as well as comparing these with seasides and coastlines in other countries.
Science - We will be finding out all about different animals and their habitats.
Art - We will be completing observational drawings and sketching shells, as well as using polystyrene to create raised relief printing artwork.
PE - This term we are learning to play tennis. Our PE days will be WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. Please make sure children have got the correct kit in school on these days. See Miss Robinson's PE kit blog post if you are unsure of what items your child needs.
RE - We will be learning about the Torah and Jewish stories.
Computing - We will be learning about blog posts and creating some of our own.
JIGSAW - We will be learning all about the different relationships we have with people in our lives.
Please remember homework expectations for Year 2 are to read 3 x per week and record this in home school diaries, as well as keeping in the green zone for Doodle Maths and Doodle Spell!
Our spelling rules will be taught in school and assigned on Doodle Spell each week for children to practice, but we do not complete a formal 'test' each week. Below are attached the rules and some of the words we will be learning each week.