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Our new topic: Misty Mountains

Find out about our new topic this half-term!


I hope you had a wonderful break and are rearing to go for the final few weeks of Year 3 and 4!

This half- term our topic is called 'misty mountains' please find the curriculum map attached to find out more information and the key knowledge the children will learn using their 'knowledge organisers'.

Key things to remember: 

- To continue to record our reading at least 3 x a week in home school books. We are now working towards our Gold reading award.

- As part of our homework we expect children to remain in their green zone for both doodlemaths and doodlespell and their green zone for doodletables if they are in Year 4. Year 4's have a statutory timetable assessment in June so it is crucial that they practice their tables using doodletables to prepare them. Their logins and passwords can be found at the front of their home school books.

- There is no longer a weekly spelling test for most of our class therefore spellings will be found on your 'doodlespell extras' and these will regularly be updated/spellings from previous weeks will be added to help reinforce learning. I have added a list of orange words that are commonly used, we will be working on these throughout the year alongside their weekly spellings. Please see previous blog regarding spellings: Click here

- PE is on every Wednesday and Thursday please ensure children's PE kits are in and labelled.