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Welcome Back!

I hope you had a lovely half term and enjoyed some quality time with each other and some decent weather.

This week has been a busy one. We’ve started new topics in Maths and English as well as Science. I have attached a curriculum map for your information.

Our topic this term is Brilliant Biomes! Exploring plant and animal life in different parts of the world, we will be focussing particularly closely on the Savannah Grasslands and Deserts. I have attached a Knowledge Organiser for Brilliant Biomes to help you understand and perhaps talk about with your child. Our writing units will be closely linked to our topic as well.

In Maths, we move onto multiplication, division and fractions. As I discussed with you all at Parents’ Evening, this means that times tables are absolutely crucial. Please support your child with this by using Doodles – there is a times tables area that they can use.

On the subject of Doodles, spelling and maths homework for this week is online now.

PE this term continues to be on a Monday and a Wednesday. Please ensure that your child has kit in school on both these days.

Finally, a big well done to Hawking Class. They’ve returned to school with a positive attitude to their learning and their usual amazing behaviour. They have well and truly earned a class treat which they will have at some point in the next couple of weeks.

Have a lovely weekend.

Melanie Harris