Exploring the city
A snapshot into Year 1.
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A snapshot into Year 1.
My Set 2 and 3 Speed Sounds Book
Welcome back Rashford Class. I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break.
We went to the pantomime...oh yes we did!
We are edging closer to the end of our first term in Year 1 and I have been really impressed with how hard the children are working.
Year 1 has had a busy start to the half-term.
Welcome back Year 1! I hope that you have all had a lovely break and are ready for our next half-term.
Our visit to the local library.
Toys from the past visitor 2.10.24
Year 1 have been busy so far this year. Find out what we have been doing...
On Wednesday 2nd October, Partake History will be visiting KPNS to teach Year 1 about toys from the past.
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