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We are SO PROUD of how well the children have settled into school life, to say we haven't even had a full week in school yet, they have been incredible! 

This week, the big idea question's we will be talking about are: 

  • Who is in my family? (If you could send a family photo on tapestry we can print them or bring in a physical photo - we will be creating a class display) 
  • What do I enjoy doing with my family?
  • How do I feel?

To help us explore these questions - we will be sharing these wonderful stories:


In F2, we will be starting our RWI sessions... We will be learning a sound a day and practising forming the letters correctly using the sayings to help us (e.g. round the apple, down the leaf).  

Over the next few weeks, we will be beginning to blend sounds together to read words. We will be playing lots of 'Fred Talk' games to help with this tricky blending process. At home, you could play Fred Talk games or games such as 'I spy' to help children to distinguish the initial sound in words.

We will send the sounds the children have been learning home each week (please keep these safe in their book bags, and we will add to them each week until you have a full set), you can practise these speedy sounds, holding the cards up and encouraging your child to say the sound. Here's a video of the pure sounds. 

Once children are confident saying their sounds speedily, we will send some other activities home using the cards. Remember to write in your child's reading diary each time you do this, helping your child get on their way to their first bronze reading award! Bedtime stories and generally sharing books can also be written as an entry in the diary, as well as attending reading lair in the morning! The school expectation is to have at least 3 entries a week. We have lots of books in school to share at home, the children are free to change these as often as they like.

Here are the sounds we will be learning this week:

For more information on RWI, see attached booklet below- and any questions please ask! 


  • KPNS will be closing early on Wednesday 13th September - we are asking for pupils to be collected at 2:15pm- please read here for more information.
  • School will be closed Friday 15th September for all children for an inset day.
  • F2 will have PE every Wednesday morning. We can keep PE kits in school and send them home every half-term to be washed. Any practise getting changed at home independently is hugely appreciated! 
  • (F1 & F2) To be reading and sharing stories at least 3 times a week and reading diaries to be signed. This could be a bedtime story, inventing your own story, sharing comic books and magazines together, practising speedy sounds. We have lots of books to share at home in school, children can swap these as often as they like. You can also add a reading entry by attending reading lair! (In the hall every morning before school). Each time you read at home, remember to cross off/colour or add a sticker to a circle on the rewards page at the back, we are all working towards our bronze awards! 
  • Check tapestry and the blog regularly to see what the 'Little Creator's' have been up to in school. Please let someone in the EYFS team know if you are struggling to access tapestry or the blog. If you could send in a family photo on tapestry or a physical photo, we are adding these to one of our displays 🏡💕