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This week we will be continuing our 'We are all Superheroes' topic by finding out about real-life superheroes and the people that help us. Here are the 'big idea' questions that we will be sharing:

  • Who helps us?
  • What job would you like to do when you are older?

We will be sharing these stories (along with the Little Red Hen which is our talk for writing story in literacy this half-term). 




(F2) This week we will be learning to read and write these sounds...

We are so incredibly clever and have started reading simple words in our phonics lessons. Have a look at this video to see the way we teach blending in school... You could have a go at reading some words using your speed sound cards! Show your grown-ups how amazing you are! Remember to sign those diaries- it's wonderful to see how much reading you are doing at home. 

Here is a video of how we say the 'pure sounds' rather than letter names (will help the children when they come to reading).


This week we will be starting our White Rose Topic- '1,2,3 Just like me'. Here is an overview of the skills we will be covering:

  • Just a little reminder to write in reading diaries when you have shared a story with your child at home - all children should be well on their way to their bronze award. Thank you ðŸ˜Š
  • (F2) Remember to keep being whizzy and stay in that green zone on doodle maths- and working towards your 14 day streak for a super special star badge! Mrs King says little and often is perfect (5 minutes a day to collect those stars!). Let us know if you have any issues with your login.