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This week, the big idea question's we are exploring are:

What is your superpower? & What would your superhero power be?

Who is your superhero?

We will be sharing these wonderful stories with the children:




(F2) We are continuing to introduce a sound a day to the children - they are doing so well! Keep up the super work and practising those speedy sounds at home! Thank you for all of your support with this. 

The sounds we will be learning to read and write this week are:


  • We are asking for a £2 voluntary donation from each child to help fund our baking and cooking ingredients in EYFS this term.  The children always love these activities and it really helps bring our topics to life! Please hand in donations to any member of staff in EYFS. We thank you and appreciate your support with this. 
  • (F2) HUGE WELL DONE for everyone in the green zone on doodle maths! We'll be giving out SO MANY star badges! From our end, it looks like some children still haven't logged in - please shout if you are having any issues with this, or downloading the app, and we can try to help. Log in details are in the front of your child's reading diary.