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Our new big Idea: Build it up

This half-term we are so excited to be introducing the children to the world of designing and building.  We are going to be investigating lots of different structures, including houses, bridges and castles. We will also be finding out what an architect and an engineer do.

Over the half-term we will also be learning the story of 'The Billy Goats Gruff' and we will be inventing our own version of the story.

Here is an overview of the big ideas for this half-term. We will be focussing on a couple of ideas each week and our weekly vocabulary will be linked to them.

How to help at home

  • Look at what their house looks like. Do they know what the roof or the windows are?
  • Share the weekly Blog with your children to prepare them for the week ahead.
  • Can they build a bridge/house from their toys at home?
  • Noting if you walk past a building site, what can they spot?
  • If you celebrate Easter discussing what the plans might be.
  • Visit a farm. Lots of farm animals pop up in this terms stories.