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Weekly Writing Challenge #3 WB 6.4.20

Hello lovely Sea Lions I hope you are staying safe. Here is this weeks holiday writing challenge...

I have given you a story starter:

These two superheroes had had a lifetime of saving lives. Day after day, they had battled the streets fighting crime and protecting innocent people from evil.

Now, their lives were slightly less busy because they left saving the world to younger superheroes. However, they still had the energy for one last mission. The phone began to ring...

Your task is to think about how you would continue this story:

Step 1: I would like you to plan your story first you can use the 'story mountain' attached to help you.

Step 2: Write your story

Think about:

  • Cursive handwriting
  • Using capital letters and full stops
  • Writing in paragraphs:
  • Using some time adverbials- first, next, after that, before etc (What are time adverbials? A time adverbial is a word or phrase which tells us when the sentence is taking place. For example, it would describe when, for how long, or how often an action is- please see word mat below for more support).
  • Can you use the adjectives to describe your setting (where you story is) and your characters.
  • Challenge: Use speech marks-

Step 3: Edit your work


** Extra challenge if you're feeling brave**


Try your absolute best as I know you always do. I can't wait to read your stories!

Remember if you have any questions about this task set please email me at:


*On a side note, whilst it would have been the Easter holiday starting today, school will be continuing to carry on during this period and I will be working in School.

However,  I  will still be blogging holiday activities /projects as well as mymaths/reading eggs tasks  for those families who wish to use them. This is to help keep a certain amount of routine/stability in your child's day .

As mentioned  in previous blogs please don't ever feel under pressure to do all of the activities. The blog activities are there to help provide some guidance as I know some  families find them  helpful.

Also you may get some Easter home learning packs delivered very soon these packs contain lots of lovely Easter activities and Geography and History projects. There will be more information about this on my next blog.

Take care and sending lots of love,

Miss Fowell x