Musical Showcase Evening 2024

Thursday 23rd May 2024
This is an opportunity for our musical children to share their talents with the parents and wider community.
On Thursday 23rd May 2024 we will be holding a musical showcase in the school hall 5.30pm-7pm. We will enjoy performances by lots of our children, including:
-The KPNS Choir
- Year 1 Whole class Drummers
- Performances by children who have music lessons in school ( Drums, Woodwind, Guitar, Piano/Keyboard)
-Performances by some of our children who have music lessons at home.
Parents will be able to purchase tickets on Eduspot for £1 each. We will limit tickets to 2 per family initially so that we can keep an eye on the capacity in the hall. (These will be purchased in the Shop Area on Eduspot)
If your child is performing, you will have received a letter. Please return this ASAP so we can set up the Stage for the right number of children.
A copy of the letter is attached if your child would like to participate in this Musical extravaganza.