KNPS PANTO 2024....
We had a wonderful time on our trip to the panto! The children were very excited on the bus. We sang lots of songs on the way (many from this years nativity!)
During Snow White, we did lots of cheering, laughing and clapping as well as booing at the evil Queen. The children made us so proud with how well they behaved (and sitting for such a long time!)
It was a busy day and we had a few children fast asleep on the bus journey back to school.
Decorating the tree and patterned biscuits!
We had lots of fun decorating the Christmas tree - letting the children do it all by themselves. We celebrated making & eating pattern biscuits (using the maths skills we have been learning).
Storybook Cafe...
We had a lovely time sharing stories, the children enjoyed retelling this term’s talk 4 writing story 'Mr Wiggle & Mr Waggle' to the parents and Mrs King. Thank you to everyone who took the time to join us.