Dragon's Roar - February 2020

It may have been a short half term, but it has certainly been a busy one and the children are certainly ready for a bit of a break! We've been able to share some of our good practice with colleagues in other Trust schools this term including visits to look at how we deliver phonics and our guided reading session, known to the children as 'VIPERS'. We continue to work alongside our other schools and we will all join together this coming Friday for a whole Trust training day.
We hope that you have an enjoyable half term break and roll on better weather!
A reminder that cars should not be parked in front of the gates on to Manor Road. The gate is required for access from time to time and we like to be mindful of our neighbours and ensure that they are able to access their homes. Thank you for your support with this.
Thanks for your continued support with improving the attendance of the children in the school. Last year our overall attendance rate was 95.03% and so far, this year, we are at 96.28% which we hope will improve even further. There are 28 children at school who are currently on 100% attendance and 55 children at 95% or above and this is out of 118 children. We will be doing our attendance update for the children later this week.
Message From The Office
Please ensure that all payments, such as dinner payments, are up to date by the end of the week. If there are any issues with this please speak to Mrs Buttery.
Food Bank
We are pleased to inform you that we have linked up with the Clifton Foodbank which will enable us to distribute foodbank vouchers if ever any of our families have need for them. Please speak with a member of the SLT or Mrs Buttery if you require any further information.
A reminder that Friday 14th and Monday 24th February are INSET days.
Silver Reading Awards
We have had some children achieve their Silver Reading Award already this term – well done if you’re one of those! There has been some lovely work completed so, if you’re still working towards it, keep going!
Science Week!
Science week is coming up! It starts on 6th March for ten days and the theme is ‘Our Diverse Planet’ which is pertinent to the school focus this year. If any of you have a science background, we would love for you to come in and talk with the children; please contact Miss Rayns if you can help! Also, if you do any science-based projects at home (making a model vehicle; making a model volcano, for example) then please do bring them in to show Miss Rayns.
Friends of KPNS
Thanks to the Friends for their continued support of the school and their hard work with fundraising for the children. We are currently trying to raise funds for a sensory room in school.
Events coming up:
Friday 28th February 3:30pm – 5pm – Movie Night
Monday 8th June 3:30pm – 6pm – World Ocean’s Day Family Event
Saturday 20th June 12 -3pm – Summer Fair
Keep your eyes peeled for further details.
Don't forget to visit our class blogs for regular updates about what is happening in school! CLICK HERE