School Closure Update 3
Many thanks for reading and responding to the blog posts we put out yesterday – your responses really helped us plan our provision for next week.
If your child will now be at home for the foreseeable future, please keep checking the website (there’s some great advice here) and make sure they know how much they will be missed in school. School staff were very emotional yesterday at the prospect of not seeing your wonderful children in the weeks to come!
If you weren’t able to read the information we sent out yesterday, you should probably read the two blog posts from yesterday (linked at the bottom of this page) before continuing with this one!
The children of Critical Workers and children classed as vulnerable may be in school next week to access childcare. Guidance about Critical Workers can be found here and guidance about vulnerable children can be found here.
We have already spoken and made arrangements with several parents about next week and many parents have already booked and agreed childcare. However, we are aware that we have sent a lot of information. Here is a quick summary so you can check you haven’t missed anything:
- If you are a Critical Worker and you completed the booking form – send the children on the days you booked.
- If you are a Critical Worker who requires childcare, but we didn’t text you the booking link, email us.
- Email us if you have any questions about how the vulnerable children guidance relates to your child.
We will update you with practical arrangements for next week later today. If you are accessing childcare in school next week, please read this update and email us if you have any questions.
Please note that Windmills Childcare will continue to operate if you require the service. Parents accessing this service will be invoiced in the normal way. Email us if we can help you access the services Windmills Childcare offers.
If you are a Critical Worker and having your children cared for in school means you can go to work and help with the current crisis our country is facing, do not hesitate to get in touch about using school for childcare – we went to help in any way we can.
Yesterday’s blog posts: