Our Golden Egg Winners!
These children have been recognised by their teachers this week for their superb work in school or at home.
Year 6: All our lovely Year 6 Children. You have been such an amazing part of our school and we are so proud of the young people you have become. Well done and enjoy your last day at KPNS!
Year 5: Sophie Wh and Massiray-For continuing to come into school throughout all of lockdown as part of the keyworker class and having a fantastic attitude towards school at all times!
Year 4: Bobby- for absolutely SMASHING through DoodleSpell and earning over 1000 stars!! AMAZING! Well done!
Year 3: Louis- You have worked so well at your home learning during closure and I always love receiving your work every week!
Year 1/2: Bailie- you have come back to school with such enthusiasm for learning and it is a joy to see. Keep up the fantastic work!
F2: William GN- for practising his fine motor skills every morning. He has done some great number writing this week. Super job!
F1: Leo- Amazing reading and for writing a sentence. He also drew a spectacular castle. Well done!