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Dragon's Roar-July 2020!

As we draw towards the end of a very unusual school year, we would like to say a massive thank you to all our KPNS families for your ongoing support. It seems like a very long time ago since we were celebrating a hugely positive inspection that acknowledged KPNS is a happy school where children get a good education. Inspectors commented on your children’s fantastic behaviour and how positively they responded to their exciting lessons. Although the year was interrupted by the Coronavirus pandemic, we are incredibly proud of how we have managed this difficult time as a community working together.  

We would also like to thank all of the staff at KPNS for their dedication and commitment to making this such a special school for children and adults alike. The warm and supportive comments received from parents over the last few months leave us in no doubt that you also appreciate their hard work! 


Back to School in September  

A reminder that from September ALL year groups will be expected to attend school and our attendance procedures will be implemented again in their usual way. ALL children will be expected to wear their full and correct school uniform. There will be further details to follow regarding our return to school procedures, considering all the guidance that has been issued by the DFE. We will; send further information over the summer about our procedures for the new academic year. 

Home Learning:  

Through the summer holidays we will not be offering our usual home learning mats. However, if you would like to keep your child ticking over with their key skills ahead of their return in September, the following activities are easily accessible: 

-Daily Doodlemaths 

-Reading Eggs 

-DoodleSpell and DoodleEnglish for KS1 and KS2 

-Daily reading or sharing a story together 

Goodbye to Mrs Betts  

We are very sad to be saying a fond farewell to our lovely Mrs Betts who is taking on a new challenge from September. She has been such a special part of our KPNS family, and we will miss her greatly. The staff will be making sure that she has a special send-off but if any of our children and families (especially those of you from Orca Class) would like to come and wish her well for yourselves, she will be on the front playground on Thursday at 2:30pm. We’re sure she would love to see all your lovely faces before she leaves.  

...and welcome to Mrs Hill! 

We are really pleased to be welcoming Mrs Hill to our team officially from September (although she has been working in school the last couple of weeks to get to know some of the children, so you may have seen her around). She is really excited to be working in Keyworth Primary and can’t wait to meet the rest of her Y4 class in September.  

Old Uniform: 

Lots of you have spoken to us about having nearly new school uniform which children have outgrown over the last term or so. As we can’t do a uniform swap shop in school this year, our fantastic Friends of KPNS have sent up this page on Facebook. Please take a look: 

Please use this group to post second-hand school uniform and other items if you would like the funds to go to the Charity, Friends of Keyworth Primary and Nursery School. Please include a suggested donation amount. 

There will be a paypal account for any payments to be made to. 

Book Amnesty!   

Please can you search your houses high and low for any school reading books you may have at home hidden under beds, down the back of cupboards and in all the other places children hide things?! We are particularly keen to have our Read Write Inc books back. Many thanks! 

Sensory/ELSA room  

We are excited to let you know about our new sensory/ELSA room that we have had installed in school. It has been possible by the kind donation from our local One Stop shop who granted us with £500 to build the room and provide the resources for it. The room will be used for any of our children in school who need sensory breaks or for those who will work with Miss Waugh receiving ELSA support. It is still a work in progress, but for the time being, welcome to ‘The Nest’