Dragon's Roar October 2020
What a half-term! I don’t think any of us has ever seen any quite like it. All the staff would like to thank parents for supporting KPNS so positively over the last 6 weeks as we have tried to adjust to life in school under covid-19 regulations. Your children have also been superb, working hard and trying to follow our Rainbow Rules.
On a personal note, I would like to thank all of the staff at KPNS for working so flexibly and so hard to ensure your children get the best education possible in the current circumstances.
I hope you have a good break and that your children return to school on the 2nd November ready to carry on learning and working together brilliantly.
Kind regards,
Mr Cresswell
Thanks to all the families that have tried to get onto Seesaw over the past half term- we have had some really positive feedback from parents and children who have used it! If you haven't had a go yet, please look into it over half term. If we go into any form of lock down in the future, this will be one of the main tools we use to support your child's education at home.
Notes for parents about SeeSaw
Lockdown Learning – notes for parents
The Woodlands
You may have noticed that we have been having some work done to the wooded area behind the pond. Over the next half term this work will continue and it is going to be a very exciting forest schools outdoor classroom for all our teachers and children to enjoy. We will keep you updated with the developments as they happen!
Thank you to all of our parents for your efforts in getting the children into school this half term – it has been wonderful to see full classes and feeling like we are a little bit ‘back to normal’! The overall attendance for this half term has been 96.15% so let’s keep this up! Now we have settled back in to school we will be restarting our attendance procedures after the half term, including our class attendance and individual rewards for attendance.
Rainbow Rules
Please just remind the children before they return to school of our Rainbow Rules. The children have been AMAZING at following these and helping each other to stay safe in school.
DoodleMaths and DoodleSpell
Over the holidays the children can practise their spellings and basic maths on Doodlestars. All the children from F2- Y6 have their own DoodleMaths logins and all children fromY3-6 also have DoodleSpell. The class who earn the most stars (by an average so the smaller classes are not disadvantaged) over half term will earn themselves a special treat on their first day back. Which class will it be? Get Doodling!
Equipment in School
A reminder that children must NOT bring in equipment or toys from home. Children should simply have their book bag or school bag, water bottle and a lunch bag (if they have a packed lunch). Whilst we’re on this topic, could we please request that children do not bring in overly large bags. They are currently being kept under children’s desks to avoid bottlenecks in the cloakrooms, so the smaller the better please!
Sports Kit
Thank you to Keyworth United who have very kindly agreed to purchase some lovely new red football kit for us. We can't wait to be able to show it off!