Dragon's Roar Newsletter 18/12/20
VERY IMPORTANT Covid-19 Update
Over the first few days of the holiday, schools have been asked to help coordinate Public Health England’s response to any positive cases of Covid-19 amongst school age children.
As such, if your child has a confirmed case before the 25th December, please contact us using contact@keyworth.notts.sch.uk letting us know:
- Your child’s name and class
- When he / she was last in school
- When he / she started to show symptoms
- When he / she had a test
- When the positive result was confirmed
We will then contact members of staff and other children who might need to self-isolate.
After the 24th, you should follow NHS advice and, if appropriate, let us know on the first day back, the 4th January, that your child is self-isolating following a positive test result.
NHS advice can be found here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
Click here for more information
There have been a few changes to our governing body recently and we’d like to take this opportunity to update you:
Following elections at Crossdale, Kay Cowling (mum of Tegan in Yr1) and Tamara Smith (mum to Rafe Smith in Yr1) have been elected to the governing body. Both work in Secondary education and are keen to contribute to both schools. Emma Stevens (mum of George in Y1) was also appointed as a parent governor from Keyworth Primary - she works in HR and is similarly keen to use her skills to support the development of both schools.
In addition, Rosalind Maxwell-Harrison, who has grand children at Keyworth Primary, has become a Trust appointed governor. She is a regular volunteer at the school and brings her therapy dog with her for the children to read to – she also brings a wealth of previous governance experience to the role. Finally, Kirsty Sharman has moved from a parent governor into a Trust appointed governor position meaning we retain her invaluable experience in safeguarding and SEND.
The governing body representing KPNS and Crossdale is made up entirely of volunteers who give up their time to support everything we do in school – their support is hugely appreciated!
Congratulations Super Readers:
Well done to all those children who have completed their Bronze Reading Award this term- It has been great to give out so many certificates over the past couple of weeks! Don’t worry if you haven’t yet finished yours, there is still time over the holidays. The SILVER challenge starts in January for those of you itching to get busy with it.
Attendance Awards:
We pulled out our prizes for our 100% and at least 95% attendance, today. The bins were full with lots of names but our lucky winners were Massiray and Harley in Y6. Well done to them!
Polite Reminder:
Please ensure that photos or videos of children from the school website are not shared over personal social media accounts. Thank you for your support as always.
Dragon’s Lair Reopens…
Our beloved Dragon’s Lair will be opening its doors again to the Year 5 and 6 children only from Monday 4th of January. Unfortunately, we can’t yet invite parents or our other year groups in, but as soon as we can, we will let you all know. Those wishing to attend will need to arrive between 8:30 and 8:40am. Blaze has his stamp ready and Mrs King can’t wait to see you all there (warning- she will probably cry very happy tears!)
Thank you!
The children are each coming home with a small Christmas gift bag today. The Christmas gifts have been provided by the Friends of KPNS and the books have been purchased using a donation from Mr Davenport’s Boxing Club. Thank you to these two fantastic groups, our children are very lucky!
Doodlemaths Christmas Challenge:
Your child should have come home with a special Doodlemaths Christmas Challenge sheet (if not, you can print one off the maths blog on the school website). If the children can complete the challenge and return it to Mrs King in January, there are some special prizes awaiting them. Happy Doodling!
Raffle Prize Winners:
1st Prize- Katie (Y1)
2nd Prize- George (Y1)
3rd Prize- Griff (F2)
4th Prize- Mr Davenport
Thank you to all who purchased a raffle ticket, we are in need of resources for our new sensory room so the £72 raised will help with this.