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A few reminders ahead of school opening to all pupils from the 8th March:

  • All pupils should return to school on the 8th March – school attendance for all pupils from F2-Year 6 is once again mandatory.
  • Please see our blog here with some simple activities you can do to help prepare your child for returning to school, so they are ready and happy to face the first day back after lockdown.
  • The start and end times to the day from 8th March will be:
    • Nursery am: 9am – 11.55am
    • Nursery after lunch collection: 1:00pm
    • Nursery pm: 1.00pm – 3.30pm
    • Reception: 9:00am – 3:30pm
    • Year 1 and Year 2/3: 8.50am – 3.30pm
    • Lower Key Stage 2 (Y4): 8.55am – 3.30pm
    • Upper Key Stage 2 (Y5/6): 8.50am – 3.30pm

Drop off and collection points: 

Y5 and Y6 children- We will be asking parents of children in Year 5 and 6 to drop their children at the school gate and let them walk into school independently in order to reduce the number of adults on the school site in the morning. Please ask your child to go straight into school and not mingle on the playground.  When collecting, parents can either arrange to meet their child at the gate or they can wait socially distanced on the back playground. 

Y4 children will be dropped off and collected on the front playground as usual.

Y2/3 children will be dropped off at their classroom door but we politely ask parents not to congregate there as it is a difficult space to socially distance.  When collecting, please wait on the back playground and Miss Fowell will bring the children out to you at the 3:30PM. 

Y1 children to be dropped off and collected from their classroom door. Please can we ask that parents keep their children stood with them whilst they are waiting - the children should not be running around. 

EYFS- will be dropped off and collected at their usual entrances, again asking for the children to stand with parents. 


  • When coming onto the school site, please also ensure you wear a face covering and that only one parent or carer comes onto the school site to accompany their children.
  • Please be mindful of social distancing with teachers and avoid congregating on the playground. You can send any questions to your child’s teacher using the class email system.
  • Please remind your children about the Rainbow Rules and ensure they know how important it is that they are followed by all children. Click here for the Rainbow Rules

Although we all hope that we are moving back to some sense of normality and that schools will not have to close again as part of a national lockdown, we still have the potential for bubbles to be closed if we see positive cases of covid-19 amongst pupils and staff. If all parents follow the guidance above, the chances of a bubble closure at KPNS will be greatly reduced. Many thanks for your ongoing support with our covid-19 measures.

What will they need: 

  • School uniform 
  • PE Kits
  • Home/ School Diaries and book bags. 
  • Packed lunches if they have them.
  • Water bottle for all children. 
  • No other items should be coming into school. 

Parents should not see any significant changes from the 8th March when compared to the autumn term – routines and expectations will be almost identical. However, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We will send further information next week.

Mrs Boon will not be in school on the 8th March and for a few weeks after, although we hope to see her back in school in the not too distant future.

We are greatly looking forward to welcoming all pupils back to their school – it’s where they belong!