Dragon's Roar- April 2021
Welcome back and Welcome Sunshine!
Our first week of the Summer Term has been a glorious one; the children have enjoyed having the freedom of the school field at playtimes, and they have come back in good spirits. We have a busy term ahead with lots of exciting things to look forward to. We hope to be able to reduce some of our COVID 19 measures inline with the government road map and will keep you posted over the coming weeks. It would be great to be able to reinstate some of our family events.
Parents' Evening:
If you haven't yet booked your slot, we will be sending out a final link to this tonight. Interim reports will be coming home with your child this evening and you will have chance to talk through your child's progress during your booked telephone slot. You can book here.
School Uniform:
The children have come back to school looking super smart in their uniform. We understand that it has been a difficult year and children have grown out of lots of their clothing during lockdown but thank you for supporting us with our uniform policy- it makes a difference. Just a little reminder about wearing stud earrings only please.
Homework and Reading:
At KPNS we believe we have a fair homework policy where children are given only homework we believe to be essential to supporting their fluency and development alongside the skills we teach in school. We have the following expectations as are detailed on our website:
- Read to an adult and record in their home/school book at least 3 times a week.
- Stay in the green zone on DoodleMaths (roughly works out to about 30mins spread over the week)
- Stay in the green zone on DoodleSpell (Y2 only)
- Participating in the reading awards over the term.
- Read to an adult or to yourself and record in home/school book at least 3 times a week.
- Stay in the green zone on DoodleMaths (roughly works out to about 40mins spread over the week)
- Stay in the green zone on DoodleSpell (All weekly spellings will be on DoodleSpell for the children to practise each week).
- Participating in the reading awards over the term.
- Stay in the green zone on DoodleTables (Y4 only)
Optional homework includes:
- Having a go at some of the topic homework tasks blogged by the teachers at the start of every term.
- Times Table Rockstars for KS2
Compared to other schools, our homework policy is not excessive, and we would very much appreciate your support with this. We are monitoring the Doodle apps and home/school books weekly to ensure children are meeting our expectations and offering support where possible.
All children are expected to have their home/school book in school every day. If they have lost the one they were provided with by school, please purchase a new one from the school office as soon as possible.
Reading Volunteers:
Next week we are welcoming back our lovely reading volunteers into school. We have missed them terribly as their time makes such a difference to our children. Many of the children will be reading with them over the course of the week and will benefit from their time. A big thank you to them all.
Music Lessons:
We have had a few parents approach us about music tuition in school. We currently offer guitar and clarinet lessons. Today the children have had an assembly telling them all about Drumming as we would like to offer this as an additional provision in school. If you are interested in your child having drumming lessons, please contact Mrs Buttery in the school office. CLICK HERE for more information about drumming lessons.
96 Day Streak Doodle Challenge:
It is great to see so many of our children have accepted Mrs King’s 96 Day Streak Doodle Challenge! It is a super tricky one but we know you can do it. All prizes for this challenge will be presented during our Leavers’ Assembly.
Reading Lair for Y5 and 6:
We have opened Reading Lair for Year 5 and 6 children and it is great to see so many children coming into school at 8:30am to get in their daily read (we’re pretty sure it’s a tactical move so they get to go out and play in the sunshine after school!) We would love to see even more of them joining us so please encourage them if they are up and about at home in the mornings. They always get a stamp to show they have attended so you can keep track.
Year 6 Residential:
We have had confirmation that Y6 Residential is likely to go ahead as planned (YEY!!!!!!!!) We will be holding a parent’s meeting in the next few weeks so we can share all the details with you. In the meantime, please continue to make payments towards this trip on Eduspot school money system or call Mrs Buttery in the school office.