Dragon's Roar
As we come to the end of a hugely successful half-term it has been so lovely to see the children settling back into their learning and enjoying being back together (or in their bubbles at least). Dare we say it – things are starting to feel more normal!
The good word is clearly spreading as more children than ever have been joining KPNS - current projections show we are likely to have about 25 more pupils on roll in September than a few years ago!
Goodbye Miss Simpson…. HELLO MRS O’Connor!
We are super sad to be saying a fond farewell to our lovely Miss Simpson but luckily for us, she will be coming back as Mrs O’Connor! After a lockdown engagement, we are thrilled that Miss Simpson and her partner, Pete, will be getting married on the 19th of June and I’m sure you will join us in wishing them both an amazing day and a very happy future together.
More Happy News…
You may have noticed that our beautiful Miss Waugh has been slowly inflating over the past 8 months and is now blooming and nearly ready to welcome her baby girl. Miss Waugh’s last day with us will be Friday 25th of June. Although we will miss Miss Waugh’s boundless energy, positivity and general crazy nature, we couldn’t be happier for her and partner, Tom, and wish them all the best as they embark on the new adventure of parenthood. We will keep you all posted on the arrival of Baby Waugh!
Your PTA needs you!
Your PTA, The Friends of KPNS, have made a huge difference over the years – organising fun events and raising huge amounts of money. Click here to find out more…
Office Opening Hours:
Just for your information, the School Office is not manned before 8:30am. You are welcome to ring and leave a voicemail but if you wish to speak to a member of staff, please ring after this time. If it is to report a pupil absence, you can also do this using the Scholarpack app.
Doodle Champs!
Well done to everyone who is still taking part in Mrs King’s epic 96-day doodle challenge, you have done a great job so far! Can you keep it up over half-term? We think you can do it!
Also, a huge congratulations to Sweet Pea Class who have been the top Doodle Class for the past 3 weeks. They got to choose a special golden envelop and have won ‘A Teddy Bear’s Picnic’ for after half term (don’t worry Sweet Pea parents, more information on this will follow after half term).
Classes for September:
The classes from September will be as follows:
F1- Mrs Boon
F2- Mrs Lindley and Mrs Gerrard
Y1- Miss Sturman
Y2- Mrs O’Connor (Miss Simpson)
Y3/4- Miss Fowell
Y5- Miss Rayns
Y6- Miss Hopwood.
You will notice that many of the children will be keeping their current teacher. Under current circumstances, and because many of our children have had a disrupted year, we feel it would be beneficial for the children to continue with the teachers who know the children well, enabling us to ‘hit the ground running’ with them come September.
We will be holding a transition morning on Friday 2nd of July as a chance for the children to spend time in their new classroom, but we will give you more information about this nearer the time.
Uniform and Homework:
Returning to full reopening after Easter we asked for your support in upkeeping our uniform and homework policies. Thank you for your continued support with this; the children have been looking extremely smart and there has been an increase in the children participating in reading and doodling at home. This is only going to have a positive impact on their progress and confidence so THANK YOU!
Sports Week:
Week beginning 14th of June will be our Sports week. Miss Robinson has been working hard to plan an exciting week for all our children. Keep an eye out for letters coming out detailing the plans for the week. Unfortunately, we will not be able to invite parents in (like we usually love to do) but we will take lots of photographs and blog what they have all been up to.
Year 6 Residential:
The Year 6 children will be going on their residential to Beaumanor Hall the first week back after half term. They are very excited and are looking forward to a bit of normality. We aim to blog throughout their trip so that we can all see the amazing time they are all having.
PCR or Lateral Flow?
There appears to be a little confusion over which tests to use in different situations. Hopefully, the following should help. The general rule is:
- Rapid Lateral Flow Tests - Only for people who do not have symptoms
- PCR Tests - Mainly for people with symptoms