Harvest Festival
We will be celebrating our Harvest Festival this Friday during our celebration assembly. The children have been learning a couple of songs to sing and we will be presenting some of the produce we have grown in our school garden and any donations we receive to the Keyworth Community Food Bank. Unfortunately, we still can't have all parents in due to COVID 19 but if your child has been nominated for a Golden Egg award this week, we will look forward to seeing you.
If you could donate any dried or tinned goods, then please send them in with your child on Thursday or Friday morning. We know they will be greatly appreciated by individuals and families within our local community.
Here are some examples of what you could send in:
-Tinned fruit, soups, beans
-Dried pasta, lentils, couscous
-Jam or honey
Also unopened or used toothpaste, body wash, shampoo, nappies etc are always helpful and well received.
Thank you in advance!