Dragon's Roar- April
The Spring Term has whizzed by us in, what feels like, the blink of an eye… but what a term it has been. The children have been fabulous and have shown a superb commitment to their learning and we are so proud of the progress they have made.
Summer Term will bring lots of exciting opportunities for our children including: 2 residentials (Years 3,4 and 6), Sports’ Week, Movie nights, End of Year Performances and a fantastic selection of topics being taught across school. We just can’t wait for the Summer Term to begin!!
We wish all our families a wonderful Easter break and we look forward to seeing the children on Tuesday 19th of April refreshed and ready to learn.
Goodbye Mrs O’Connor!
We are extremely sad to have to inform you that Mrs O’Connor will be leaving our KPNS family at the end of the Summer Term. Her husband has been offered an exciting work opportunity in Manchester so they will be relocating over the summer. We are, of course, sad to see our lovely Mrs O’Connor leave as she has given so much love and dedication to the children in our school, but we wish her all the best on her new adventure and know she will stay in touch with us.
We have already started the recruitment process for a new KS1 Teacher to replace Mrs O’Connor in September and we will keep you updated with any news in the Summer Term.
Mrs James
You may have noticed that Mrs James’ smiley face has not been around school for a few weeks. Joan is currently on sick leave and is undergoing treatment. We are sure you will join us in sending her our love and best wishes for a speedy recovery. I know she is feeling positive and can’t wait to be back with the children as soon as she is well enough.
Miss Waugh Returns
We have had confirmation from Miss Waugh that she will be returning from maternity leave during the Summer Term (June) and we will look forward to having her bubbly energy bouncing around school once again.
Parents’ Evening:
Thank you so much to everyone who attended Parents’ Evening on Monday or Wednesday last week. It was lovely to be able to see so many of you face to face and chat through your child/ren’s progress. Also, thank you to those who took the time to complete one of our parent questionnaires. Your responses to the questionnaires will be fully analysed by the governors and will be reported to you, along with our next steps, in the new term. However, we are incredibly proud and overwhelmed to report that out of the 83 responses, 95% of parents feel that their child/ren are happy at school and are making good progress and 100% of parents would recommend our school!
Eggcellent Effort Everyone!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Did you see all the AMAZING decorated egg entries we had in the band stand this week? They were absolutely fabulous! Thank you to all those who took part. The winners from each class are below and you can see all the eggs on our Easter Blog HERE. Well done to Mofe who was our Egg Rolling Champion 2022!
Decorated Egg Winners:
Year 6- Charlie
Year 5- Hoi Yi
Year3/4- Louie
Year 2- Max
Year 1- Harriet
F2- Sam
F1- Khaleesi
Doodlemaths and English Spring Challenge
Doodles have released a Spring competition where the children can earn themselves a certificate and beautiful badge. The competition starts on the 1st of April. Find out how to sign up your child HERE. We gave out 10 badges across school last Spring and it would be great to be able to give out more this time! Get DOODLING!
Covid Guidance:
School will update parents about any changes to COVID guidance before returning to school in the new term.
A note from the office:
Please be aware that school dinner prices will be going up to £2.40 per meal (£12 per week) from after Easter. Please ensure that any outstanding meals are paid for by the end of Easter. Thank you.
MAT Concert:
Today 30 of our children have gone to Nottingham Albert Hall to perform in a concert along with the 11 other schools in our Trust. They have spent the last few weeks giving up their lunchtimes to come and rehearse and will be singing a range of songs with hundreds of other children. Our KPNS choir will be singing ‘Higher and Higher’ which we will record and share with you after the school holidays so you get to see how wonderful they are for yourself. A huge well done to all the children participating - their commitment and dedication has been outstanding and we are proud of them.