Important Information for the next two weeks!
This blog has important information for all parents about the next 2 weeks. Please read!
Friday 15th of July- Whole School Transition Day.
Tomorrow all the children will spend the morning with their new class teachers in their new classrooms. The children have been spoken with about this and should know where they need to go in the morning. They will participate in some lovely activities with their new teachers and learn all about their new class names.
For your information:
- Current Year 6 children will be with Miss Robinson for the morning. They will need to come through the normal entrance and straight into the school hall.
- New Y6 children (current Year 5) will go in through their usual entrance but will go into the Year 6 classroom instead.
- New Year 5 children will come in through the back door and head upstairs to the Year 5 classroom.
- New Year 4 children will line up on the front playground and will be collected at 8:50am by Miss Middleton and taken to their classroom through the front entrance.
- New Year 3 children will line up on the front playground and will be collected at 8:50am by Miss Fowell and taken to their classroom through the front entrance.
- New Year 2 children will go through the Year 2 fire exit (opposite the Y1 door).
- New Year 1 children will go through the Year 1 fire exit (Mrs King will point you in the right direction from the bandstand).
- New F2 children will go to the F2 door round the corner of the unit near the bandstand.
- F1 children will come in as usual.
The children will return to their current classes in the afternoon.
Tuesday 19th of July- Whole School morning performance of Oliver Twist.
9:30am- you can purchase your tickets on Eduspot school money or by calling the school office. The PTA will be serving refreshments and selling raffle tickets and the performance lasts roughly an hour.
Wednesday 20th of July- Whole School afternoon performance of Oliver Twist.
2:00pm you can purchase your tickets on Eduspot school money or by calling the school office. The PTA will be serving refreshments and selling raffle tickets and the performance lasts roughly an hour. You may take your child home directly after the performance.
Wednesday 20th of July- Whole School EVENING performance of Oliver Twist.
6:30pm- you can purchase your tickets on Eduspot school money or by calling the school office. The PTA will be serving refreshments and selling raffle tickets and the performance lasts roughly an hour and 15mins.
Monday 25th of July-Reports out to parents:
Your child will be sent home with their end of year school report on Monday 25th of July. Please ensure that you check their books bags for them.
Wednesday 27th of July- Leavers’ Assembly:
We will be holding a Leavers’ Assembly on Wednesday 27th of July at 9:15am. It will last approximately an hour and we would love for all our Year 6 parents to be able to join us if you can.