Dragon's Roar- Autumn 1
As our first half-term comes to a close, it has been lovely to watch our school grow with lots of new children and families. The children have enjoyed meeting new friends and each new pupil has become a valued addition to KPNS. This term has been busy with lots of new learning and walking around school there is a buzz of excitement and engagement which is super to see. We look forward to the children returning after a well-deserved break ready to work just hard and with just as much enthusiasm.
Friends of KPNS Halloween Trail
The Friends of KPNS are holding their annual Halloween Trail on Saturday 30th of October 4:30-7pm. Trail maps are £1 per child and can be purchased from the school carpark along with hotdogs, mushy peas and a variety of hot/cold drinks and snacks. Thank you so much for all those who are taking part in our trail and will be spooking up your houses for the enjoyment of the children. All money raised will go towards our playground project.
If you are a parent and think you could offer a couple of hours on the day to help set up, tidy up or serve during the event, please contact Caroline Handley on: snow_caroline@hotmail.com or message the Friends on the FoKPNS Facebook page.
We are sure it will be a SPOOKtacular event and can’t wait to see you all there!
As you know, all schools in England have been asked to have a very tight focus on school attendance. The simple reason being that when children are in school, they can learn and make progress in all areas of their development. KPNS is no different and we have been working hard to ensure all children have good attendance. This does mean that we have issued more penalty notices than normal – any penalty notice costs £60 if paid within the first 21 days, rising to £120 if paid between 22-28 days. Failure to pay may result in prosecution. We appreciate this may be challenging for some families, but the latest government guidance is very clear about the expectation that all children attend school very regularly. Please contact school of you have any questions or concerns about your child’s school attendance – we want to help.
During our special attendance Assembly today, we drew out a name of all the children who have had excellent attendance this half term and Reuben in year 1 was the lucky winner of a £15 toyshop gift voucher. All children will have the chance to be entered into the next draw at Christmas.
Improvements to the school building:
You will have noted that temporary red covers have been placed over the existing cladding. We’re exciting that this will eventually be replaced with thermally efficient, modern cladding that will really smarten up our lovely school.
Dates for your diary:
Friday 18th November- Children in Need (Wear something SPOTTY to school)
Saturday 19th November- Festivities Day in Keyworth. Our Choir will be singing and the FoKPNS will be serving mulled wine and mince pies.
Friday 25th November-Year 6 Class Assembly
Friday 2nd of December- Whole School Trip to the Panto (F2-Y6)
Friday 9th of December- Whole School Christmas Jumper Day!
Tuesday 13th December- Morning Christmas Performance
Wednesday 14th December- Afternoon and Evening Christmas Performances
New iPad!
We are really pleased to be able to tell you that we have recently received a whole new class set of iPads through the Equals Trust. This will help us deliver our new and exciting computing curriculum which the children are already absolutely LOVING! This means that each child has an individual iPad to work on making computing lessons really focused and maximises engagement.
Blaze’s Reading Lair!
Every morning Reading Lair has been so well attended with between 30 and 40 children and families reading before school. For children who have attended every day, they will have already read an additional 600 minutes this half term. This reading practise is invaluable to their confidence and progress. Well done to all those who have been coming along- Blaze has got a special Christmas treat planned for all you eager stamp collectors!
Now we know the cold, dark mornings are on the way and getting up early may become a bit of a chore but please keep coming along and if you feel that you would like to try Reading Lair for the first time, it is open EVERY morning at 8:30am in the dining room. Please come through the back door.