Our Christmas Performance will be...

We are looking forward to putting on a brilliant performance. Please help make it special by providing your child with a costume as outlined below. All costumes to be in school no later than MONDAY 5th DECEMBER in a named carrier bag.
Children In Year 5 and 6. Will be Ice Sprites. Please can they wear whites, blues and silvers. Dresses, tops, sparkly tights and leggings are all fine. They will also need a robber style mask. We will make head dresses in school.
Children In Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2: need to be dressed as if they are going outside to build a snowman. Please send in bright clothes with a woolly hat, gloves and scarf. There is no need for a winter coat as they will be performing in our warm hall.
Children in Year 3 and Year 4: will be Garden Sprites. They need to wear green or flowery tops or dresses and dark tights or trousers (brown or black). We will be making head dresses in school.